Friday, February 23, 2024

Story Outline

 Welcome Back! Today my partner and I officially decided what we wanted to do for out film opening. We decided that we wanted to base our opening to based on a teen pregnancy. Between the two of us we came up with a basic idea of what we wanted to do in our opening. 

We want our film opening to start with our main character walking through school. She doesn't know that she is pregnant yet. There will be music playing as she walks through the halls saying hi to her friends. I want to film this sequence in school but I don't know that we will be able to because of how crowded our hallways are, but I think it would really cool to incorporate what walking through a high school hallway is actually like. While walking through the hallway the main character is going to see the guy who got her pregnant. As they walk past each other there is going to be a sense of tension and awkwardness. We will be able to create this feeling by using different shots and angles.

Next, the music abruptly stops and cuts to the main character throwing up in the bathroom with her friend holding her hair in the bathroom. Our actor won't actually be throwing up but by the use of different shots and angles. To create the throw up we will mix together a bunch if different foods. To get the sound of the girl throwing up we are going to foley me or my partner making throw up sounds into a bowl to get the echo sound effect. I thinks will be really cool to add because it will create a sense of conflict.

After, the opening is going to cut to the main character in the classroom. The main character happes to have this class with the guy who got her pregnant, so if we have enough time we will show the two making awkward eye contact. Then it will show the main character zoning out thinking about the night she got pregnant, but in the opening it is never actually said she is pregnant there are just hints. We choose to not outright say she is pregnant because we thought that the information of her being pregnant would be to  much information for our film opening. It will cut to the main character in a bed sleeping and then waking up to see that the guy that she is with is no longer there. By showing this flashback I think that it give the viewers a subtle hint of what is happening and why the main character is sick. When the main character is shown realizing that that guy she had just spent the night with is gone, a voice over will start playing of someone calling her name. The film will then cut back to the main character back in the classroom and the teacher is shown calling her name and then going back to the lesson and that is where the opening will end.

Me and my partner still need to decided some little things out, like when the title is going to appear, the other actors, and where we are going to film. But overall I think we are making great progress and I can't wait to start doing our story board so I can have a real sense of what our opening is going to look like! 

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