Saturday, March 23, 2024

We are done filming!!

 Heyy bloggg! So we are finally done filming!!!! On Thursday Chloe and our friends went to gator run park to film the bathroom scene. Unfortunately I was unable to be there because like I said previously I am in Utah.

In the bathroom, Chloe used her backpack, two notebooks, and two pencils, as mise-en-scene elements. Our actor Lily, obviously wore her backpack to show that she also is a student. We wanted to give the idea that Lily, our main character, threw her backpack on the ground because she was nauseous and everything had fallen out of her bag. In the shots, her bag was kind of wide open with things falling out of it to give the effect that she had just thrown it down.

Next Chloe filmed the part where lily is dry heaving into the toilet. So there is no actual puke coming out. In the actual video you can hear some type of static noise so I am going to have to voice record someone fake puking into the toilet and put it over the video. Chloe also added a part where Lily looked up at her friend after she asks if he is ok and then continues to throw up tho show how sick lily is. 

Both Lily and her friend scramble to pick up all of Lily’s items off the floor and get back to class. It adds a sense of stress and an idea that the throwing up was more of a secret so they have to scramble to get back to class. Chloe tried two different ways of leaving the bathroom. For one of them, Lily and her friend left the bathroom at the same time. But for the other approach, Lily would follow her friend but stop and look in the mirror for a second to pull her top down, making it seem that she has been gaining a little weight and anxious about her body. 

Overall Im very happy with how all of our filming turned out and I am super excited to start editing!!

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