Thursday, March 7, 2024

Teen Pegnancy and Character Development Research

 Hi!!! Welcome back! Me and my partner have been really working on our project, but as we get further into our project I have realized that I don"t know much about teen pregnancy or how my partner and I will develop our main character Lily. So I have decided I will do research about the two topics. 

Teen pregnancy continues to be a major global public health concern, with significant social, economic, and health effects for the teenagers involved as well as for society as a whole. Teen pregnancy rates remain quite high, especially in poor countries and minority groups within wealthy nations, despite an overall decrease in rates over the previous few decades in many countries, partially due to more protection usage and sex education. Many factors contribute to teen pregnancy, including financial status, high school education, access to healthcare, and cultural views about teenage sexuality and protection. Teen moms are more likely to experience financial difficulties, stop going to school, and to experience health issues that affect both them and their babies. A trend of poverty and limited opportunities continues when children of teenage parents experience a variety of developmental difficulties.

For character development I looked at some films and came across the movie "The Breakfast Club," I loved how the film begins with a straightforward yet powerful montage of an empty high school, voiced over by someone introducing the different stereotypes of the main characters: the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess, and the criminal. These early labels fall apart as the story develops, showing the different personalities and fears of every character and challenging social norms and expectations.

I think for my film this would be cool to include. We can have someone voiceover an explanation of Lily's life. They narrator can explain how she is the smartest in her grade, she never does anything bad, she's always on top of her studies, ect. Until one day she meets this guy named Jake and everything goes downhill. I think that it would help develop Lily a lot by giving the audience background information, and give a better understanding of who Lily is. 

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