Friday, March 22, 2024

More filming

 Hi blog!!!!! Right now I am writing from my hotel in Utah, but in class on Wednesday Me and my partner did a lot of filming.

We filmed all of the scene of Lily walking into school and all through out the hall way where people say Hi to her and congratulate her for being valedictorian. We started off in a hallway in our school. We had a lot of our friends be extras, and we also asked a few people walking by to be in our film opening. We also plan on having all of the opening credits displayed throughout this scene 

Unfortunately for the first few minutes of when we were filming I was taking a test, But our friend Alexandra was able to film for us. We started off by filming Lily walking through the doors of the school. We had a boy from our school walk across the camera to give the effect that the school is busy and give it a realistic feel. My friend Lucy came out of the doors as Lily was walking in, reinforcing the school environment idea.

After that I found Chloe and she caught me up on what they had done while I was finishing up my test. We then filmed the next part of Lily walking through the hallways and different people say hi and congratulate her.

All of the different staff and students saying hi to Lily shows how well known she is between the staff and the students. 

We were also able to film the part of the opening where Lily walks into school 

We had the security guard say "Hi Lily" to really enhanced the idea of everyone knowing her. One of the main conflicts Lily has in this film's opening; her popularity and bright future make her so well-known that when people find out she is pregnant, it will have a huge effect on her.

Overall I am nervous to see how fluid all of the different cuts are going to look together. Im and hopping that I have nothing to actually to worry about but I will find out when I start to edit. All we have left now is the bathroom scene so hopefully that goes well as I wont be able to be there for that because I am in Utah.

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