Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The rest of Inside the classroom!!

 Hey blog so on Wednesday we also filmed the part right before the flashback. After filming the beginning part of the scene with the teacher we realized that we didn't have anything for him to say until after the flashback so we had our actor improvise and start talking about whatever he wanted. While editing I will start to muffle the teacher voice while Lily is zoning out to really make sure that the focus is on her. The muffled voice of the teacher gives the effect that lily is no longer focusing on the teacher.

While filming the part where Lily and Jake make eye contact my partner had some issues with the lighting. The problem was that our actor Dino, who is playing Jake, was facing away from the window which messed up the lighting. So, we tried to lower the exposure which ended up working,

During the eyeline match we had Jake look away to create a sense of tension and regret. While filming Chloe was having a hard time trying to look zoned out, but eventually she got it. Here are two different angles we have of the eyeline match.

We are probably going to use the farther one first and the closer one after to show that the more Lily looks at Jake the more she thinks about him and the more she thinks about that night. We filmed Jake in a medium shot with an extra behind him doing her work to help develop our setting

Since we pretty much filmed all of our in school shots on Monday, today all we have to film in school is the scene where Lily walks into school and a bunch of people say hi to her. Me and my partner plan on filming this today in our lunch period. We are going to bring a bunch of our friends as extras to make it seem more realistic. In the hallways we are going to have people saying hi to Lily while fun upbeat music is playing. This is also where our credits will be displayed. Hopefully after today all we have to do is the bathroom scene. 

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