Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Portfolio Project Reflection

Heyy blogg! Now that our time together is coming to an end I want to reflect on my time working on this project and what it has taught me.  

When I first started the portfolio project I created a schedule where I broke down each part of the project, the research, the planning, the filming, and the editing. While planning I created a shot list. This broke down my film opening into smaller sections so I could really focus on every detail. What angle was the shot going to be at? Was the camera going to move? How will the clip be edited? All of these elements were thought about while creating the shot list. With the shot list I created I then made a storyboard that helped me visualize each shot and allowed my filming process to run very smoothly.

To monitor my progress I went back to my schedule and made sure I was doing everything on time. I created a checklist that included every part of the project so I could keep track of everything that needed to be done or that was done. It served almost as a reward system. Every Time I checked something off my list I felt a little bit of stress lifted off my chest. Overall, I wasn't always on track with my schedule, but I think that the system I had going really did help and kept me organized.

Throughout the course all of the projects assigned like the Shot project, the One Word Film project, the Soundscape project, and the Music Video project all helped me an immense amount with the Portfolio Project. The Shot project taught me about all of the different shots and angles in the film world. The One Word Film project taught me how to edit and create a story by using different techniques. The soundscape project taught me how to create realistic environments in my film. And the Music Video Project showed me how all of those different aspects work together to create something amazing. I wish I would have focused more on shots and angles, they seem to be what I struggle most in. 

I honestly don't think I managed my time well. At the beginning I was told I had eight weeks to finish this project, and when I heard that I thought, wow thats plenty of time. But in reality it went by in a second. When I heard that I also didn't take into account that one of those eight weeks was Spring break, and how much time this project was really going to take. I spent the first few weeks of this project working slowly and spending to much time in things that didn't matter, and in the end I was working on a time crunch.  In the future, the next time I work on a long term project, I am not going to wait for the back end of the time given to actually get my stuff together so that I produce the best possible work I can.

While working on this long term project I learned to not wait till the very last second to do everything. And that it's important to plan out every aspect of the project down to tiny pieces so that everything can work smoothly and that you can give your best efforts.  A long term project that I want to attempt next is to start my own business. I've always wanted to run my own company. Ever since I was little I would make small business like selling slime or bracelets, little things like that. I think that this project allowed me to realize that I need to plan my time out correctly and can balance work life with social life, and really focus on my priorities anything can happen. 

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 Here are my CCR’s https://youtu.be/2jWhdkkRPgc?si=hkbI7XDHdL4isfQR https://youtu.be/G4g-3AsguPY?si=otQ9yhvE57JE_SmO